OSMcast! Show #196: Appare-Ranman!

It’s now the year 2025, so what better way to kick off a new year… Than to release an episode that we meant to record and release in 2023! If it helps, it’s about an anime that came out in 2020 that not enough people watched at the time. Including us! But we have now rectified that problem. As we have watched it, enjoyed it, and now are releasing a podcast it all about so you can hopefully enjoy it too!

And that anime is Appare-Ranman! It’s a wild crazy racing romp across the United States of America, brought to you by the studio at P.A. Works and directed by Masakazu Hashimoto. We also get into the anime version of I’m in Love with the Villainess, the tabletop role-playing game Fabula Ultima, as well as the video game hit sensation Balatro.


Like we mentioned on the podcast you can both watch the anime on Crunchyroll, as well buy it on Blu-ray (Amazon | Crunchyroll Store)! And without futher ado, have some Time Cues:

We also have YouTube Channels! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.


OSMcast! Show #195: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket

You know that ye ole holiday tune, The Christmas Song? You probably do, only most people would know it more as the “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” song. Well, this podcast is kinda like that. Only it’s not chestnuts roasting, but spent mobile suit artillery shells. Still on a open fire, though! That’s right, in the spirit of the season, we are talking about Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket. It’s an anime OVA animated by Sunrise, directed by Fumihiko Takayama and written by Hiroyuki Yamaga. It’s a great six episode story all about the wonders of asshole children, secret giant robots, and the true spirit of Christmas. Kinda.


Happy holidays! All of them. You celebrating a holiday this year? Hell yea, go you! We’re over here celebrating that we got a holiday episode out that’s not Itsudatte My Santa! for once. Also on the celebration docket? Time Cues:

We also have YouTube Channels! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

OSMcast! Show #194: Crying Freeman

Ah, Fall. For many, it is the time for crisp, cooler air, pumpkin spice lattes, and bundling up all warm and toasty while you watch the leaves change from the colors of green to the colors of autumn. But if you’re us? It’s all about families of assassins, yakuza, military complexes, bear cults, and devious pro wrestlers. Or perhaps intrigue, spy craft, and amorous rendezvous aplenty! Oh, and murder. Just lots and lots of murder. All kinds. But mostly the kind of murder that’s best served up by feet-knives.

That’s right, this time on the OSMcast we are talking about the manga and anime that is Crying Freeman! The manga was written by Kazuo Koike and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami. The anime was adapted by Toei Animation and was directed by Higashi Shimizu and Ryunosuke Ono.


Crying Freeman! It’s a special show. Or manga. Either way, you can watch and/or read it! Here’s how:

As for the podcast episode itself? Here, have some Time Cues:

  • We Start OSMcast!ing – 0:00
  • Crying Freeman
    • Crying Freeman, Sans Spoilers(ish) – 03:05
    • Crying Freeman, Full of Spoilers – 24:35
    • Crying Freeman, The Spoilers Continue – 55:28
    • OSMs Out of OSM – 01:32:18

We also have YouTube Channels! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 26: A Last Look at Dawntrail, Before the Patches

Hello Adventurers! While our last episode was all about our journey through Dawntrail as it was happening, this one is looking back at after finishing the Mainline Story Quest (colloquially known as the MSQ). Since we are now in the thick of Patch 7.1: Crossroads, we wanted to make sure to take a beat before the patch hit and get our thoughts out before the game continues to change and grow.

Joining us in reminiscing of uh, times not all that long passed, is our pal Umi aka Doug from OSMcast proper. He gives us a blow by blow of all the Jobs he’s been playing since the new expansion came out, and came up with some excellent sound design tips! And how about that MSQ , huh? Stuff sure happens, and we talk all about it! Finally, we get ourselves all hyped up for the new patch (which is already out). If you want our thoughts on that however, you’ll just have to… Wait for it.

Spoiler Levels: Creamy Alpaca Pasta! These rustic handmade noodles are boiled until tender, then tossed in a pan with grilled alpaca fillet and broccoli florets in a cream sauce. This hearty dish is the perfect compliment to both speeding up your spells’ cast times, but also for really digging into the spoilers that we chat about in the later portions of the episode.


You know it, you love it, you may even use it! That’s right, we got Time Cues:

  • 00:00:00 – Intro and Current (whoops!) Events
  • 00:22:04 – Umi’s Dawntrail Job Breakdown
  • 01:00:13 – Delving into Dawntrail Spoiler Territory
  • 01:32:04 – What’s Next? And Outros

Music is this episode features tracks such as emberling – “SPC700 cover: Final Fantasy XIV – Blade’s Exaltation,” Manuel – “Gas Gas Gas,” Minako Adachi – “Battle! (Marnie)” from Pokemon Sword and Shield, and Takafumi Imamura – “Starless Skyline.”

We also have YouTube Channels! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

OSMcast! Show #193: Gunbuster

From 1988 to 1989, the anime studio Gainax gave us a six episode OAV(OVA?) series known as Gunbuster. It had it all: Giant robots, space aliens, ladies from an all-girls school training in giant robots to fight the space aliens, the whole nine yards! Then in 2023, Discotek Media gave an outstanding Blu-ray release of that show complete with a brand new English dub handled by Sound Cadence Studios. And then in 2024, the OSMcast! gave the world a podcast about Discotek Media’s Blu-ray release of the anime Gunbuster by Gainax. But also joining us to talk about Gunbuster is Melissa Sternenberg, the voice of Kazumi Amano from the Sound Cadence Studios English dub production for the Discotek Media Blu-ray release of the anime Gunbuster by Gainax. We also talk about Glass Mask way more than expected, but not unappreciated.


Gunbuster! You should go watch it. There’s a really good Blu-ray you can buy! Or stream it on Crunchyroll (as of this posting)! And big thanks to Melissa and Tobias for joining us on the show! But before we forget, Time Cues:

  • We Start OSMcast!ing – 0:00
  • OSMplugs (Discord, Patreon, TeePublic) – 02:30
  • Gunbuster
    • Gunbuster, Sans Spoilers – 03:34
    • Gunbuster, Full of Spoilers – 55:55
    • OSMs Out of OSM & Final Thoughts – 01:23:15

We also have YouTube Channels! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.


OSMinterview! Rebecca Forstadt on 6/10/2024

John is back with another interview, and this time it’s with the one and only Rebecca Forstadt. Her voice has been in tons of anime, like for example: Nunnally Lamperouge in Code Geass, Rika Furude in When They Cry, as well as Tima from Metropolis. Or perhaps you may better know her as Reba West, when she was the voice of Lynn Minmei in Robotech. It’s a great conversation that covers her career, her blogging, and all sorts of things.


We want to thank Rebecca once again for taking the time to chat with us! And you can find all the places where Rebecca is by checking out her online at:

We also have YouTube Channels now! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 25: The Dawntrail Travelogues

Hello Adventurers! OK, we are actually finally here! It’s Dawntrail time! Now that said, it’s been a month and change since release. But this episode is a amalgamation of multiple sound bites that we all recorded when the expansion was just launched into early access. It covers the first, oh we dunno, two-thirds of the game? Right up into Zone 5. All those early moments, storytelling beats, the various dungeons and trails? Hanging out with Wut Lamat and scopin’ out Tural? As we experienced them, we set voice to microphone and recorded them for you. Enjoy.

Spoiler Levels: Tender Shortcake! Layered with whipped cream and sliced nopalitender tunas, this light and fruity desert is the perfect summertime treat. Just like this episode! (Okay look. We already explained the actual spoiler levels in the paragraph above. You know what you are getting into here!)


In other news, we have posted on our YouTube page The Music of Final Fantasy XIV Panel that Tobias and Anna hosted at MomoCon earlier this year! It was a fun time and a great panel. If you haven’t watched it yet, you should! They did amazing.

Music used in this episode are the various day and nighttime themes used in Dawntrail. While the official credits have not been published for these it’s a safe bet they were all worked on in some fashion by Masayoshi Soken, and for the nighttime themes also arranged by Keiko.

We also have YouTube Channels now! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 24: The Final Days… Before Dawntrail, Anyway!

Hello Adventurers! Well, we are finally here! Kinda. Not quite. We are now just days, days before the latest Final Fantasy XIV expansion: Dawntrail! The servers are down, the patch is up for download, and Square Enix is already asking folks to not spoil stuff. So we’re not gonna! Because this is all pre-Dawntrail stuff. The latest Letter from the Producer LIVE, our muses, our crackpot theories, all you need to keep that Dawntrail hype alive for a couple more days! And then we’re in it! So go forth, listen, and enjoy.

Spoiler Levels: Baked Eggplant! Now, you would think that Baked Eggplant wouldn’t be all that spicy. You’d think. But this is a potent DPS-rich meal! So perhaps this isn’t an episode spoiler filled per se, but we would recommend that you listen to this episode after you are current playing right before Dawntrail. And then listen right before you start Dawntrail!


So after you have listened to this episode, some other things to help while away the time!

But until then, how about some Time Cues:

  • 00:00:00 – We Start the Carbuncle Chronicling and Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXII (82) Thoughts
  • 00:50:17 – Our Last Minute Predictions, Wants, and Thoughts for Dawntrail

Music used in this episode: “The Carbuncle Chronicle Theme” composed DJ Inubito and arranged by Anna, “Miracle Works” from the Sanctuary’s Heart Chill Arrangement Album, “Unwound (Qitana Ravel)[Chiptune Remix]” by EzeDuzzIt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRBYECQ4tFI,”Equilibrium” from Pulse: FINAL FANTASY XIV Remix Album, “On Blade’s Edge” from Endwalker

We also have YouTube Channels now! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 23: Ten Years of Playing Final Fantasy XIV, Part 1

Hello Adventurers! While last year was the 10 Year Anniversary of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, this year is our 10 Year Anniversary of playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn! So, we thought it would be nice to look back at those halcyon days of times long ago. Specifically, ten years ago. And to join us down this trip on memory lane, we are joined by the fellows Chille and Paul of Moogle Go Round Radio! MGR is a FFXIV podcast and stream where they, if you can believe it, talk about Final Fantasy XIV. They also just recently celebrated their own 8th Anniversary of existence! You can trust us when we say they were the perfect pair to chat with us about how TP used to be real and could hurt you.

Spoiler Levels: La Noscean Toast! This is not an especially spoiler-filled episode, unless you have never played Final Fantasy XIV at all ever. In which case, have you heard about the free trial? And then come back to us after you finish up with ARR. Otherwise: Enjoy this delicious episode that has been soaked mixture of buffalo milk and eggs, and then fried in creamy butter. A specialty at the Drowning Wench in Limsa Lominsa!


Once again big thanks to Paul and Chille for chatting with us! And as you may have noticed, this is a Part 1! Because we had planned to talk about the expansions leading up to Dawntrail, but we only got as far as A Realm Reborn. Guess we’ll have to schedule a Part 2 at some point! But until then, how about some Time Cues:

  • 00:00:00 – We Start the Carbuncle Chronicling
  • 00:14:41 – Our Humble Beginnings
  • 00:51:09 – A Realm Reborn
  • 01:16:43 – FFXIV 2.0: Then and Now. What’s changed in 10 years?
  • 01:30:21 – Outro

Music used in this episode: “The Carbuncle Chronicle Theme” composed DJ Inubito and arranged by Anna, “The Twin Faces of Fate – The Theme of Ul’dah” composed by Nobuo Uematsu and arranged by Tsutomu Narita, “Torn from the Heavens” composed by Masayoshi Soken, “Pa-Paya” composed by Masayoshi Soken, “Hard to Miss” composed by Masayoshi Soken, “Hard to Miss” composed by Masayoshi Soken, “Out of the Labyrinth” composed by Masayoshi Soken and arranged by Yoshitaka Suzuki, and “Shattered” composed by Masayoshi Soken and arranged by Yoshitaka Suzuki.

We also have YouTube Channels now! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

OSMinterview! Tiana Camacho @ MTAC Dueling Dragons

Welcome to MTAC Dueling Dragon Interviews Week! Every day this week, we’ll be uploading a new interview that we did during MTAC Dueling Dragons from earlier this year. Today, we’ve got our interview we did alongside The Side Quest Podcast for Tiana Camacho! Here’s what MTAC had on their webpage about her:

Gym Leader. Stand User. Decepticon. World Warrior. These are just some of the lives Tiana Camacho has lived behind the mic as a professional voice actor. With her career spanning a bit over half a decade of experience, her vocal reach has proven vast and versatile. She’s known for her roles in Jojo’s Bizarre: Adventure Stone Ocean as Ermes, Bea and Nessa in Pokémon, Lily in Street Fighter 6, and loads more!! Tiana is always happy to meet fans and is totally excited to be here!!



We want to thank Tiana and once again for taking the time to chat with us! And you can find all the places where Tiana is by checking out her online at:

Plus, a big thank you to MTAC for both letting us have the chance to chat, but also credit for the photos and convention logo used.

We also have YouTube Channels now! Both for OSMcast proper and The Carbuncle Chronicle! Please subscribe, hit the bell, and share amongst your friends.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.