At last! Our final and most verbose episode of the 2020 OSMawards arrives at our final destination: Video Games! Sure, some of the things we talk about have been covered in previous OSMcasts. But that’s what’s gonna happen when some of best games of 2020 both come out in March and April! That said really it’s who brings up what that is surprising in this ultimate showdown of video game releases in the Year of Our Lord 2020. Also, Overwatch? Apparently!
And so you have it! The video games that helped us get through 2020. And who knows what games we will get to in 2021! If only there was a way to find out besides the podcast… Oh right! That Discord we keep mentioning! Yeah, that might be a good way to keep tabs on us. But until next time, have some Time Cues:
- We Start OSMcast!ing – 00:00
- General Gabbing – 00:34
- The OSMawards! 2020 Edipyon – Video Games
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons – 07:09
- Cyberpunk 2077 – 10:27
- Final Fantasy VII Remake – 18:14
- Roundguard – 25:18
- Overwatch – 31:49
- Outward – 38:58
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition – 45:28
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV – 52:04
- Genshin Impact – 58:55
- Ghost of Tsushima – 69:00
- The Waiting Game for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – 74:37
- The Jackbox Party Packs – 80:08