Hello Adventurers! With a new set of wards being added to all the Residential Districts at the launch of Patch 5.3 on October 13th, now was a great time to talk about Housing! What is Housing? What do you mean by wards and Residential Districts? We go into it, tell you all your options. Because there are more than just houses when you really look at it. We also go into how we happened into our housing options, and what we like about housing in Final Fantasy XIV… And what we don’t! Plus, some of our favorite items we have used to decorate our place. To cap it off, we go into some Tips & Tricks to try and help you land that plot once the new patch hits. Good luck Warriors of Land Ownership Darkness!
Here are some screen caps of some of our places! We are on the Leviathan server, in the Primal data center!
- Our FC [Odin’s Spear]’s House, Valhalla: It’s in the Mist, Plot 2, Ward 17
- Anna’s House: It’s in the Mist, Plot 11, Ward 17
- Dylan’s House: It’s in the Lavender Beds, Plot 34, Ward 3
- Basil’s House: It’s in the Mist, Plot 7, Ward 8
- Anna’s Apartment: It’s n the Lavender Beds, Lilly Hills Wing 1, Apt. #1, Ward 9