So here we are. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 with Basil and Kevin as well as Charlie and Dylan from the Chainsaw Buffet. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 with Basil and Kevin as well as Charlie and Dylan from the Chainsaw Buffet where they talk about many things, from the sudden convention’s growth to food trucks, to what they did, panels that we were, lines that were long, fun that was had, some food trucks again, and just how big of a Carl Horn fanboy really is Basil, anyway?
In other words, it was a podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013.
This was recorded on Sunday, edited all night on Monday, and released before we went to sleep. Therefore, no matter when you see this, or what the website may or may not say: We are calling this episode Up On Time. Throwing it up on the board. Claiming victory over defeat. Editing a photoshop file in our favor. This was the time it was ordained to be.
Speaking of time, here have some Time Cues,
- We start the OSMcast!ing – 0:00
- General Gabbing – 02:04
- MOMENTS OF OSM – 07:49
- Pokemon X and Y – 07:16
- Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game – 13:03
- Betrayal at House on the Hill – 18:03
- Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013
- Setting the Stage of Discourse – 23:56
- Thursday/Friday – 51:12
- Saturday – 79:14
- Sunday – 113:11
- Final Thoughts – 123:57
Apparently Kate has taken over the Ninja Consultants and placed them under the Reverse Thieves banner in an attempt to grow an anime blogging and podcasting empire.
Man that girl is a busy woman.
– Alain aka Hisui
Hmmm. I may or may not have used one name instead of another. OR it’s that everyone in New York is like the same person anyway.
And that I assume everyone looks like Mr. Ral.
Take your pick!