Recorded just this past Saturday while at SeishunCon, here’s a ramblin’ and wonderin’ everywhere we go kind of podcast. We’ve got Basil and Kevin from OSMcast proper, Charlie and Dylan from the Chainsaw Boys, and Niko and Jon from MTAC.
Bonus! Geek Media Expo Volume 5 Recap with Chainsaw Buffet
So with Hamacon’s Minicon going on this past Saturday (Which went very well thank you for asking!), we did not have a chance to record an OSMcast proper. However, we didn’t want to leave you hanging and as it just
OSMcast! When Planning is Few, Impromptu Will Do 10-28-2013

Why hello there! Would you like a podcast? Because we have one! The story of this podcast is thus: Basil was super busy and did not have to plan or assemble a normal OSMcast, and so enlisted the mightiest warriors
OSMcast! Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 10-14-2013

So here we are. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 with Basil and Kevin as well as Charlie and Dylan from the Chainsaw Buffet. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 with