In the latest, greatest, and most Fabulous Max episode of the OSMcast! to date, we talk about all sorts of things. But by far the most important thing we talk about in this episode is all about Kunihiko Ikuhara’s (with studio Brain’s Base) latest project, Penguindrum. Or as the cool kids liked to call it, Mawaru Penguindrum. And we talk about it. A lot! You might even say we liked the show, or something. But probably not. It’s not like this show is over two hours long. Why would we ever do that?!
Spoilers: You can totally say we like the show.
As we mentioned during the podcast, Sentai Filmworks has released the show on Blu-ray and DVD and Amazon has it for $45-$35 a set at the moment. Which is a pretty awesome deal, befitting of an awesome show.
Set 1 on Blu-ray | Set 2 on Blu-ray | Set 1 on DVD | Set 2 on DVD

In other news, if you like tabletop role-playing games, fantasy, and portraying awesome characters in a fantasy setting tabletop role-playing experiences, boy do we have a link for you! Sean Patrick Fannon’s magnum opus, Shaintar: Legends Unleashed, is being kickstarted right this very second and you still have time to give him your cash by way of Amazon Payments. Basil has called Shaintar “It’s like Lord of the Rings meets Die Hard,” and it’s about as awesome as it sounds. It uses Savage Worlds as the tabletop system, which is a pretty great one. The system was born from Deadlands, which was this awesome horror-western game. As it turns out, it’s just as good for epic high fantasy. You should check it out!
Speaking of awesome tabletop games, Shadowrun 5th Edition is hitting soon and we are so hyped you have no idea. Also the Shadowrun Returns PC game is imminent and that could destroy us.
Because, we already have the next episode recorded! So be back in a week after next as we talk about space aliens and baseball.
Good Stuff. I guess I have more to say but I just wanted to drop these here as they came up in the podcast while I remember
– Hisui
Hey there! Umm, I’m still listening to the episode, but I though I should comment about the possibility of Yuri having a dick. I’m a trans girl and a lesbian myself, so when I first saw the scene where Yuri and the butch actress are at the hotel my immediate thought was “So wait do they mean Yuri is a trans woman?”
I should say first of all that, hey, it’s really not cool what you said about “Oh but is there ACTUALLY yuri in the show?”. I’m a lesbian and my peen doesn’t change that(Just ask my girlfriend who’s also a lesbian.).
As for the status of Yuri’s body, I think she was born with a penis but it quickly became evident that she as a girl. Her mother was probably supportive of this, but her father was not, and this could have caused them to break up, combined with his obsessive habits. Him, wanting to rip his daughter’s gender out of her, try to make her into a boy, abused her, physically and possibly sexually(Which is really fucking common amongst trans women who show signs of their gender early in life).