
Well, the original plan was to have this last week and a full length podcast this week, but at least this gets us back on track. And this track starts off with Basil and Kevin half-heartily discuss that live action film Dragonball Evolution while all the cool kids talk about the new Transformers movie. Whatever!


If you were hoping for something more scathing, you can go read this. You’ll find waaaaaay more hate and vitriol in it than we could ever muster about this movie.

In other news hey, new contest! IT’s designed to help us kick off our foray into the exciting thrill-packing world of um… books!

Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland
Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland. Check it out at The Natan Fleet Show.

We so crazy.

Just send us an email at and tell us what books you think are pretty awesome. We’ll try our best to get a hold of them and check them out. If deemed awesome, nay, OSM enough… We’ll probably get to a podcast about it! However, no Twilight ladies. That stuff gets enough traction as it is. Also no Anita Blake stuff after book 4. The prize for two lucky email senders will be getting signed copies of Playing the Hero, by K.E.Ireland! You can check out more at The Natan Fleet Show.

OSMcrap “A mediocre podcast for a mediocre movie: Dragonball Evolution”
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2 thoughts on “OSMcrap “A mediocre podcast for a mediocre movie: Dragonball Evolution”

  • June 29, 2009 at 9:25 AM

    Kevin had the pronunciation right, but I’ll take another nickname.

  • June 29, 2009 at 10:38 PM

    If you don’t mind book series, there’s the Ender’s Saga and Hitchhiker’s Guide.

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