Welcome to MTAC Dueling Dragon Interviews Week! Every day this week, we’ll be uploading a new interview that we did during MTAC Dueling Dragons from earlier this year. Today, we’ve got our interview we did alongside The Side Quest Podcast for Kohei Hattori! Here’s what MTAC had on their webpage about him:
Kohei Hattori is a singer from Tokyo, Japan. Kohei is an IFA United Nations international ambassador singer (Commanded by the United Nations) who has performed at many Japanese and Asian events. You can hear Kohei in the anime Tokyo 24th Ward.
We want to thank Kohei and once again for taking the time to chat with us! And you can find all the places where Kohei is by checking out him online at:
- On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koheisings/
- On Twitter: https://twitter.com/koheisings
- On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU-KAGvnq5sEMfm6nEOY-g
Plus, a big thank you to MTAC for both letting us have the chance to chat, but also credit for the photos and convention logo used.
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