For this episode of the OSMcast! we decided to tangle with Osamu Tezuka’s Black Jack, being released by Vertical. But frankly the dark doctor was more than we could handle alone, so we had to call in some back up. Who in the world could save us? None other than Clarissa from the Anime World Order podcast! So come listen in as we talk about the surgical sweetness that is Black Jack.
While I know locally it’s not terribly hard to track down volumes of this manga, I also know you can always pick up a copy on Amazon. So buy it. You’ll thank us later.

And yes, that’s right in a mere matter of weeks the OSMcast! shall be taking our annual sojourn to greatest anime con of the southeast, Anime Weekend Atlanta. There will be thrills, chills, excitement, PODCASTING. Worlds will be rocked. Minds, BLOWN. Also, we have panels. Basil will be teaming up with Drew from Akihabara Renditions for two action-packed riveting panels of amazement. Now, if you listened to the podcast, and why wouldn’t you, you already know what’s going down. But for those of you that for some reason are reading this instead of immediately clicking on that arrow for audio epiphany, he’s some spoilers.

For one, we’ll be hosting an Engrish Jamboree. Yeah, a whole panel of Japanese people trying to speaking English and failing spectacularly. It’s incredibly politically correct! And THEN, or perhaps before (I have no clue which panel comes first), we’ll he hosting AWA’s Wide World of Sports (Anime). In case you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s a panel on sports anime, and why it’s awesome. And if you disagree, why you’re WRONG.
And speaking of being wrong, the Expendables was awesome and you like stuff being blown up, shot at, or stabbed and hearing wonderfully horrendous dialog you should have already seen it. Oh wait, I guess everyone already did. So uh, go see Scott Pilgrim! Apparently no one has gotten around to doing that yet.
Also, since our darling DJ is off in Israel for a couple of weeks and can’t tell us himself, the music selections for this episode are The Prodigy – Stand Up and Hybrid – Unfinished Symphony.
i too have used the House MD comparison to get people into reading or watching Black Jack
if only this was real…