With summer comes summer movies. Comic book movies. We tend to like both these things so we have a podcast for people who like comic book movies. In particularthis go-around, Kick -Ass!
PROMO: Anime82! Host, mad-man, genius Regan Strongblood had a dream. He would talk about anime, and then get a bunch of other podcasters to talk about anime on his same show. The results, they are substantial.
Speaking of the Anime82 podcast, the last third of the OMEGA-MECHA-THON-2000 should be posted soon, and will have Basil, Kevin, and Lee blabbing on about Mazinkaiser. Pretty good stuff!
And in OSMcast news, June is filled with ACTION-PACKED PANEL EXCITEMENT. DJÂ EXCITEMENT. We are going to two cons. Same month. MADNESS. HamaCon, and Seishun-Con.